The Equity Committee (January and February 2021)

Although issues of equity have been conversations in RCSD in recent years, opportunities to reimagine education in RCSD through an equity consciousness lens took on more urgency as the Covid Pandemic highlighted inequities across the district. The RCSD Leadership adopted an Equity Policy and committed to work with the larger Redwood City community to develop Administrative Regulations for specific actions toward more equitable practices. The Committee includes District Leadership, teachers, staff, parents, and community partners.

The first of three Equity Committee sessions was held on January 22, 2021. The next two concurrent sessions will be held on the following two weeks. The sessions included over sixty participants in the sessions facilitated by Yvette Jackson, whose Pedagogy of Confidence research and book are the focus of the equity consciousness focus. The first sessions are available to view in four videos on The Equity Committee webpage. The first of four videos is below.

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