Roosevelt School – Katy Soares & Gabby Eaton – RCSD—NUA

‘It was so enriching… it is concepts I can carry over seamlessly to my classroom…’

Katy Soares & Gabby Eaton share the highlights of co-teaching while peer to peer observing each other’s pedagogy. In addition to sharing concrete examples they learned with one another, their clear excitement shows the power of peer to peer coaching/teaching building school community.

‘I was exposed to new ways of thinking…’

The Peer to Peer Coaching model focuses on teachers regularly observing each other to learn, understand, and improve their pedagogy (teaching methods with the how of teaching). This model works best in small groups with a minimum of three – one teacher demonstrating a lesson while two other teachers observe. The observed lessons are generally in the 15-30 minute range to provide a focus on particular teaching methods. The model includes a briefing, lesson and debriefing. It is recommended to group teachers from different grade levels and subject areas so they are focused on the teaching methods and not only content.

This model is a multi-directional process: everyone has gifts and skills to share and learn from one another. This differentiated process allows everyone to progress at a rate consistent with their skills. The model is an ongoing process for both new and experienced teachers.

Ongoing Development: Teachers regularly participant with the Peer to Peer Coaching model throughout the school year. Weekly or every other week would be recommended.

This model is equally effective with administrators coaching administrators; facilitators coaching facilitators, staff coaching staff and so forth.

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